Website Development, Hosting, Email and Domain services
We provide very high quality services but still have the lowest rates on the market. Compare our work with other developers and judge. Expensive in not always good quality!
Our solutions are formulated based on the Client's requirements and tailord to produce results. Our solutions help your business to excell.
Our team of dedicated staff ensure that you receive assistance whenever matters arise. This way, you are guaranteed of getting full benefit for what you have paid for.
Complete website packages that include design + hosting + domain name.
No hidden charges.
Ideal for individuals and start-ups
Good for established/ advanced business
Ideal for small business
For requirements that are not covered in the 3 listed Plans
Awesome features including over 20 applications (Joomla, WordPress, Drupal,Prestashop),1-click easy install.
Year 1
Complete functioning CMS website
Complete functioning, interactive CMS website